All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

To help states, districts, teachers, and other users determine the degree of alignment of Open Educational Resources (OER) to college- and career-ready standards and to determine other aspects of quality of OER, Achieve has developed eight rubrics in collaboration with leaders from the OER community. Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool to allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources. OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. Every resource available on OER Commons contains an "Evaluate Resource" button that will direct users to the evaluation tool. The coding for the tool is freely available online here. Resources rated on OER Commons will create a pool of metadata, and this metadata will be shared through the Learning Registry with other interested repositories. Download the Rubrics.
Achieve has collaborated with educators, state leaders and other organizations to produce two systems for appraising the quality of instructional materials, the Open Educational Resource (OER) Rubrics and the Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Rubrics. This guide has been developed to help educators who are interested in determining the quality of instructional materials — starting with the determination of which rubric(s) is most appropriate to use.