All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

The ADP Leadership Team Meeting took place September 10-11, 2009 at the Fairmont Hotel in Washington, DC. The goal of the annual meeting was to give states a significant opportunity to address key challenges and opportunities associated with moving the college and career-ready policy agenda forward. Participants had time to engage with national experts, learn from colleagues in other states, and meet in state teams to plan next steps in their ongoing efforts to advance the ADP policy goals.
Joanne Weiss, Director of the Race to the Top Fund at the U.S. Department of Education, spoke to the ADP Network about the goals, expectations and timeline of the $4.3 billion-Fund, with a special focus on the power of state-led coalitions and the Fund’s alignment with the college- and career-ready agenda. Read the transcript of that speech or watch the video.
- ADP Network 2009 Leadership Team Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Videos
- Transcript of Speech by Joanne Weiss
- Race to the Top Briefs
- Photos
Thursday September 10
- Incentivizing College and Career Readiness Concurrent Session (PPT)
- Postsecondary Concurrent Session Presenter Talking Points (PDF)
- Keeping Students on Track Concurrent Session (J.B. Buxton) (PPT)
- Keeping Students on Track Concurrent Session (Joel Vargas) (PPT)
- Common State Standards and Assessments Concurrent Session (Matt Gandal and Laura Slover) (PPT)
- Data Systems to Support Instruction Concurrent Session (Aimee Guidera) (PPT)
- Targeted, Intensive Support and Effective Interventions for Low-Performing Schools Concurrent Session (Bill Guenther) (PPT)
Friday September 11
- Taking Root Breakfast Session (Kate Blosveren and Sandy Boyd) (PPT)
- Taking Root Sustainability Resources
- Multiple Pathways Through High School Mathematics Breakfast Session (Tony Bryk) (PPT)
- Multiple Pathways Through High School Mathematics Breakfast Session (Uri Treisman) (PPT)
- Graduation Requirements Plenary (Matt Gandal) (PPT)
- Delivering the ADP Agenda Plenary "Everyman State Presentation" (Sir Michael Barber) (PPT)
- International Benchmarking Plenary (Andreas Schleicher) (PPT)
- International Benchmarking Plenary (Bill Schmidt) (PPT)