Business and Industry Leaders Support Common Core State Standards

Friday, February 7, 2014Printer-friendly version

From the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to state level business associations, business and industry leaders support the Common Core State Standards and are working to dispel misinformation about what the CCSS do and do not do. Here is what they have to say in their own words:

Dispelling Common Core misconceptions

By Thomas J. Donohue, The Washington Post

January 17, 2014 

"As a representative of businesses that rely on well-educated and well-trained individuals, I'm happy to set the record straight about what Common Core does and does not do. "Common Core prepares students to succeed in the 21st-century economy. It focuses on the building blocks of learning, including reading and math. It provides clarity and consistency that puts participating states on an equal footing. And it insists on high standards. Common Core is not a curriculum, a federal program or a federal mandate. It was created at the state level. Curriculum remains within the control of districts, school boards, school leaders and teachers.

And, "Politics and misinformed arguments shouldn't get in the way of helping our kids, businesses and country succeed." Mr. Donohue is the president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

An Uncommon Conversation: Wisconsin, Rightfully, Moves Forward with the Common Core Standards

By Jim Morgan, Wisconsin Business Voice

January 2014

"Common Core requires accountability [and] high standards... We will have results and the ability to set a course for improvement where needed. "If we are to compete globally, we must ensure our students are truly ready for further education and a career that allows them to succeed in the global marketplace.


"The standards encourage creative teachers to continue to reach students in creative ways. Contrary to what some proclaim, the standards are not a national curriculum requiring everyone to teach the same thing on the same day from the same book. The standards are the 'what' and not the 'how.'" Mr. Morgan is the President of the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce Foundation.

Legislature should leave alone Alabama's College and Career Ready Standards

By William J. Canary,

January 30, 2014

The 2014 session of the Alabama Legislature is underway, and while a number of important issues are being debated and discussed, perhaps no issue has garnered more attention or been the source of more misinformation than Alabama's College and Career Ready Standards.

"These standards, which were put into place by the State Board of Education in November of 2010, affirmed new, tougher benchmarks of proficiency in mathematics and English language arts to better prepare Alabama students for success after graduation.

"Since the State Board of Education adopted the College and Career Ready Standards, the criticism has continued from those opposed to the standards. For months, the board has addressed every complaint lodged by opponents of Alabama's standards, including increasing the protection of student personal data and rescinding the Memorandum of Understanding between Alabama and the National Governors' Association. Despite these efforts, among others since our standards were adopted in 2010, the opposition continues to move the goal posts.


"Let's be clear about one thing: in no instance has the federal government taken over, or attempted to take over, Alabama's education system, nor will our elected officials on the State Board of Education allow that to happen. That accusation is based in fear, not reality. We have real battles with the federal government when it comes to their overreach in Alabama, and Common Core is not one of these battles."

Mr. Canary is the president and CEO of the Business Council of Alabama.

Achieve has developed materials to help states, districts, and others understand the organization and content of the standards and the content and evidence base used to support the standards. Visit If you find a news clip supportive of the Common Core, please send it to Chad Colby at