All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

Achieve has developed three new frameworks - one each for mathematics, reading, and science - that can be used to evaluate the cognitive complexity of assessment tasks. Each framework is comprised of criteria and processes specific to its discipline and has been developed by content experts and practitioners. The frameworks are intended to help those who design, develop, and evaluate assessments ensure that the full depth and breadth of the state’s academic standards are being measured.
Start here for an introduction to the cognitive complexity frameworks and why we developed them.
Recordings of introductory webinars for all three frameworks are also available: Mathematics Framework Webinar; Reading Framework Webinar; Science Framework Webinar
A Framework to Evaluate Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Assessments
A Framework to Evaluate Cognitive Complexity in Reading Assessments
A Framework to Evaluate Cognitive Complexity in Science Assessments