To explore the public's awareness of and support for the new Common Core State Standards and aligned common assessments Achieve commissioned a national poll in August 2011.
All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.
Read the statement from Michael Cohen, President of Achieve.
Read the November 2019 edition of Achieve's Perspective newsletter.
Read the October 2019 edition of Achieve's Perspective newsletter.
Read the September 2019 edition of Achieve's Perspective newsletter.
Ready or Not is the culminating report of the original American Diploma Project (ADP), a multi-year research project that led to the development of the ADP Benchmarks, end-of-high school expectations in mathematics and English Language Arts.
By 2008, the efforts by individual states to set college- and career-ready standards for high school graduates led to a remarkable degree of consistency in English and mathematics requirements. This “common core” – detailed in “Out of Many, One: Toward Rigorous Common Core Standards from the Ground Up” – is the byproduct of aligning standards to real-world demands.
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