All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

Achieve hosted a webinar open to state leaders and partners in all 50 states on the release of Achieve’s third national poll – Voter Perceptions: Common Core State Standards & Tests – which shows solid majorities of voters support common standards, common assessments, and allowing teacher and students time to adjust to these new expectations. Chad Colby, Achieve’s Director of Strategic Communications and Outreach, was joined on the webinar by Alex Bratty, Partner with Public Opinion Strategies and Dave Walker, Vice President of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, to present an overview of the findings and discuss implications for leaders at the state level. This year's poll shows that awareness of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is inching up, even though nearly two-thirds of those surveyed still have heard "nothing" or "not too much" about the CCSS. Of those that said they had read, seen or heard recently about the standards, opinions were almost equally split between favorable and unfavorable, yet a plurality still favor implementation. Once voters were read a brief description of the CCSS, a solid majority, 69%, favored implementing the standards. For the first time in Achieve's series of polls, voters were asked about the effect of the Common Core and new tests on accountability and teacher evaluations. Voters believe that both student testing and teacher evaluations are important and should continue during implementation. Consequences, voters said, should only come for teachers, students and schools after an adjustment period, with a majority favoring a one or two year adjustment period. For more information on the poll, click here. February 25, 2014.