All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

To capture student voices on what high expectations, college and career readiness, and their future mean to them, Achieve interviewed a number of high school students and recent high school graduates
Watch the full video below or go here to view each segment. Feel free to use these videos in your own communications and advocacy efforts.
Questions asked include:
- What does success mean to you?
- Why do you believe in high expectations?
- What are your plans for the future?
- In what ways has/did your high school helped you get ready for the future?
- In what ways has/did your high school fail to help you get ready for the future?
- What does being “college and career ready” mean to you personally?
- Do you think a high school diploma is enough for success today?
- Do you believe you are “college and career ready?” What other knowledge and skills do/did you need to be ready for college and careers?
- Knowing what you know today about the expectations of college/work, what would you have done differently?
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