All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

In the six years since the Next Generation Science Standards were released, forty-two states have adopted new science standards. Standards are an important policy lever for states to ensure that there are high expectations for all students; but for initiatives to have a long-term impact on the state education system, change needs to happen at all levels of the system - from the classroom level up through state policies. A new report from Achieve reveals the findings from a Science Policy Survey administered during the summer of 2018 to state education agencies to better understand state-level science education policies. The report summarizes the key survey results and provides an overview of states’ K-12 education policies and goals in science. It also aims to identify where states may need to adjust science education policies to create more coherence among policies, elevate examples of state leadership, and to encourage states to take steps to strengthen and develop their programs based on the evidence and resources available.