All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

Thu, 01/29/2015 - 09:51 — Achieve
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Achieve's ninth annual "Closing the Expectations Gap" report details states’ progress in adopting and implementing a coherent set of reinforcing policies that will prepare all students for college and careers through:
- Aligning academic content standards in English Language Arts/literacy and mathematics with the demands of college and careers,
- Establishing graduation requirements that expect all students to complete a college- and career-ready course of study,
- Developing statewide assessment systems anchored to college- and career-ready expectations, and
- Creating comprehensive accountability and public reporting systems that promote college and career readiness for all students.
As part of the report, Achieve released supplemental state-specific graduation requirements and assessment data for all 50-states and the District of Columbia. These files are linked below.
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