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 Please note that this information is from 2012-13 surveys. 

Making the Case for Action

This fact sheet(pdf) and slide deck provide essential state-specific information that addresses the economic imperative, the equity imperative, and the expectations imperative of the college- and career-ready agenda.  These resources can be used on their own or serve as the foundation for a personalized presentation or fact sheet(word), which can be customized with state-specific details and examples. The Powerpoint, in particular, was developed with various users in mind and offers a wide range of case-making data that can be drawn from to support your own advocacy efforts. 

Advancing the Agenda
As states continue their efforts to promote college and career readiness, Achieve regularly surveys the states to identify their progress in adopting critical college- and career-ready policies. Below is a summary of Florida's progress to date: 

College- and Career-Ready Policy  
Align high school standards with the expectations of college and careers Yes
Align high school graduation requirements with college- and career-ready expectations   
Develop college- and career-ready assessment systems  Yes
Develop accountability and reporting systems that promote college and career readiness   

See Closing the Expectations Gap for more information 

Defining Accountability
State accountability systems focus the efforts of teachers, students, parents, administrators and policymakers to ensure that students and schools meet the established goals, including the goal of ensuring all students graduate ready for college and careers.  The table below shows how Florida is using all four key college- and career-ready indicators to inform their accountability system. 

  Annual School-level Public Reporting Statewide Performance Goals School-level Incentives Accountability Formula
Earning a college- and career-ready diploma Yes      
Scoring college-ready on a high school assessment Yes Yes Yes Yes
Earning college credit while in high school Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requiring remedial courses in college Yes Yes    

 For an explanation of the indicators, their uses and Achieve’s minimum criteria for college- and career-ready accountability, see here.