All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

In an effort to identify and shine a spotlight on emerging examples, Achieve is establishing a process to select and train a stable group of experienced reviewers to evaluate the quality and alignment of lessons and units to the CCSS and the NGSS. The objective is not to endorse a particular curriculum, product, or template, but rather to identify lessons and units that best illustrate the cognitive demands of the CCSS or the NGSS, respectively.
ELA and Mathematics: In June 2013, Achieve launched a cross-state EQuIP Peer Review Panel of educators for ELA and mathematics. We are excited to announce that we selected 84 peer reviewers from 28 states during our selection process.
Science: In September 2016, Achieve launched a cross-state EQuIP Peer Review Panel of educators and experts for science. We are excited to announce that we selected 39 peer reviewers from across the nation, representing every grade band and a combined 447 years of teaching experience.
All EQuIP peer reviewers will commit up to 12 days of service each year through a combination of in-person and virtual convenings, as well as time spent independently reviewing lessons and units. Each lesson or unit submitted to the EQuIP Peer Review Panel will be reviewed by at least three peer reviewers. The EQuIP Peer Review Panels will apply the EQuIP Rubrics and quality review process to the lessons and units that have been submitted by states, districts and partners.
Lessons and units that are rated by the EQuIP Peer Review Panel as Examples are publicly posted here so that all states and districts can benefit from these materials. Achieve will generate and publicly post submission guidelines clarifying the expectations and process for submitting materials. For example, we will seek evidence that the author(s)/entities have already utilized the EQuIP Rubric and believe that the materials meet the criteria to qualify as examples. We will also ask for a good-faith commitment from the submitting author(s)/entities that they will incorporate feedback provided by the EQuIP Peer Review Panel in an effort to strengthen the materials. Submissions may be reviewed a second time once suggested revisions have been incorporated.