All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

To access the EQuIP Student Work Protocol Training Materials, please click here.
EQuIP and Learning Forward Professional Learning Community Modules
This is a series of six modules designed to help educators and school leaders integrate the EQuIP Rubrics, EQuIP Student Work Protocol and quality review process into the work of professional learning communities (PLC).
These modules are designed to assist educators in engaging in the rich conversations that are essential to review and continuously improve their own materials and instructional practice. These modules will guide educators through the process of examining instructional materials and student work to ensure quality and alignment to the CCSS.
Full set of modules available here.
EQuIP Rubrics and Quality Review Training Materials
The purpose of these training materials is to develop a group's knowledge and understanding of the EQuIP Quality Review Process, which is designed to increase the ability of educators – and educational leaders – to identify and create quality instructional materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Specifically, participants will explore what effective observations and criterion-based feedback look like and experience the process of reviewing instructional materials using the EQuIP Quality Review criteria, rating scales, and rating descriptors.
These training materials are designed to be comprehensive, allowing an individual or group to gain understanding of the EQuIP rubrics and complete a quality review process. The materials provided for each session include facilitator's notes, slide deck and a single lesson or unit for review, as well as any additional materials needed to complete the review process.
EQuIP Quailty Review: Process & Dimensions
K-2 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Unit
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
3-12 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Unit or Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
K-5 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
6-8 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
9-12 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
Selecting Quality Text
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Text Suitability Form (blank) and Text Suitability Form (completed example)
EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson and Unit
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
K-5 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
6-8 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide
9-12 EQuIP Rubric and Quality Review Training Session
- Facilitator's Notes
- Slide Deck
- Lesson
- Additional Materials: Criteria Discussion Guide