All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

In the fall of 2005, nine ADP Network states joined together in the largest multi-state effort to date to create a common end-of-course exam for Algebra II.
Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, with support from Achieve, developed specifications for a common end-of-course exam in Algebra II. Six additional states—Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Minnesota, North Carolina and Washington—also joined the partnership, bringing the total number of participating states to fifteen.
The goals of this unprecedented multi-state Algebra II assessment were to:
- Improve high school Algebra II curriculum and instruction, including consistency of content and rigor within and across the states;
- Serve as an indicator of readiness for first-year college credit-bearing courses; and
- Provide a common measure of student performance within and across the states over time.
The first operational test was administered in Spring 2008.
In December 2007, a subset of the Algebra II consortium states, with support from Achieve, began to consider developing a common Algebra I end-of-course exam. The development of the ADP Algebra I End-of-Course Exam was a natural extension of the consortium and was designed to support the goals of the Algebra II initiative. The exam standards that were created are vertically aligned with the Algebra II exam to indicate readiness for advanced mathematics courses. The first ADP Algebra I End-Of-Course Exam was administered in Spring 2009.
- ADP Assessment Consortium Brochure
- Research Alliance Members
- Postsecondary Involvement
- FAQ: What Higher Education Needs to Know
- ADP Calculator Policy (September 2009)
- Questions for Teachers to Supplement Released Items
Algebra I
- Algebra I Fact Sheet
- Algebra I EOC Exam Standards (January 2010)
- ADP Algebra I Practice Test Spring 2009 (March 2009)
- ADP Algebra I Practice Test Commentaries (April 2009)
- Algebra I Test Blueprint