All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.

Achieve and the U.S. Education Delivery Institute have developed a practical Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Adoption and Implementation Workbook for all states. The tool contains guidance, exercises, and templates for teams to use as they work through the critical steps for adoption and implementation of the NGSS. It also includes a diagnostic tool to help assess readiness to implement each step. Regardless of your state's timeline, the workbook offers state and district leaders the means to plan for NGSS adoption and then drive successful implementation.
Download the full Next Generation Science Standards Adoption and Implementation Workbook in PDF format here or in Word format here.
Access individual chapters in PDF form by clicking the chapter titles below or individual chapter exercises in Word format below.
- EXERCISE 1: Designate Your Strategic Leadership Team
- EXERCISE 2: Review Capacity To Adopt and Implement the NGSS
- EXERCISE 3: Establish Your Adoption and Preliminary Implementation Timeline
Chapter 2: Define Your Aspiration
- EXERCISE 4: Articulate Your NGSS Vision
- EXERCISE 5: Determine the Biggest NGSS Shifts for Your State
Chapter 3: Evaluate Past and Present Performance
- EXERCISE 6: Identify Measures of Science Performance
- EXERCISE 7: Identify Performance Patterns and Root Causes of Science Performance
- EXERCISE 8: Use Performance Patterns and Root Causes To Identify Implications for NGSS Adoption and/or Implementation Planning
Chapter 4: Determine the State’s Role and Approach to Implementation
- EXERCISE 9: Define Your State’s Role
- EXERCISE 10: Brainstorm and Define Potential Strategies
- EXERCISE 11: Prioritize Potential Strategies According to Impact and Difficulty
- EXERCISE 12: Draw a Delivery Chain for One or More Strategies
- EXERCISE 13: Identify and Address Potential Weaknesses in Your Delivery Chain
- EXERCISE 14: Define Feedback Loops for Your Strategies
Chapter 5: Set Targets and Trajectories
- EXERCISE 15: Determine a Metric and Target for Each Goal
- EXERCISE 16: Evaluate the Expected Impact of Strategies on Established Goals
- EXERCISE 17: Establish a Baseline for Performance
- EXERCISE 18: Classify Your Strategies as Having a High, Medium or Low Impact Over Time
- EXERCISE 19: Use the Projected Impacts of Strategies To Map Your Trajectory
Chapter 6: Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
- EXERCISE 20: Develop Key Three Messages
- EXERCISE 21: Identify and Map Your Stakeholders
- EXERCISE 22: Build Your Guiding Coalition
- EXERCISE 23: Develop a Stakeholder Outreach Strategy
Chapter 7: Establish Routines and Solve Problems
- EXERCISE 24: Reflect on the Quality of Existing Routines
- EXERCISE 25: Define the Data Used for Measuring Progress
- EXERCISE 26: Use the Assessment Framework To Make a Judgment on the Likelihood of Success for a Given Strategy or Goal
- EXERCISE 27: Develop an Agenda for a Routine